How to use an API with JavaScript
In this article, we are going to get some data from the Google Books API and show it on our website.
Hello! My name is Markus Urban.
In the last days, I’ve been working with different API’s, and it was quite difficult for me to find a great tutorial about using REST API’s and accessing it’s JSON response.
In this tutorial, we are going to try to get some information from the Google Books API and display it on our website.
You can follow this project step by step or, if you only want to know how to make an API request, you can go to the end of this article to see the code JavaScript code that you need.
Are you ready? Let’s start!
First, we are going to create a simple website where we are going to display the data that we get from the Google Books API.
I’ve created a website that I named “Bookify” with some HTML and CSS code.

The user is going to be able to search for a book and see who its author is.
The webpage has a form with an input where the user can write the title of a book.
When he clicks the ENTER keyboard, a JavaScript function is going to execute.
You can download the code here or skip this step and add the JavaScript code that we are going to see in the next part of your existing website.
For now, our website doesn’t have JavaScript code. Let’s change that by creating a new file called script.js, where we are going to add some code to get information from the Google Books API.
Before we start adding code to this file, let’s connect it with our existing website:
Well, the time has come!
Let’s start coding some JavaScript!
When the user clicks ENTER, the search() function is going to run.
Let’s create that function!
To begin, we are going to get the text that the user wrote on the input field.
Inside the search() function, let’s create a variable named user_input.
The user_input variable will get the user input using the input field id:
Now let’s continue creating the API request link.
When we make an API request, we use an URL where we specify the parameters.
In our case, the base URL is the following:
If you try to open it, you will see the following:

It worked! In fact, we made our first API call!
Below the user_input variable, let’s create a new one called request_link:
As you might know, we need to specify some parameters to make a successful request, such as the title of the book that the user wants to search.
Here we have an example of the final URL that we are going to use:
That would be the URL if the user entered sherlock holmes on the input field
As you can see, the words that we want to search go after the q sign (it’s an abbreviation for query).
Also, spaces have been replaced with plus signs.
Let’s see the result that we get with this URL!

Hurray! Let’s try to change the search query and try again.

It works!
To build a successful request, we need to create an URL like the ones we just saw.
To do so, let’s add to our request_link variable the base URL that we have seen:
Now, let’s actualize the user_input variable to replace all the spaces with plus signs:
And now we are ready! Let’s join all this in a new variable called url:
In the next part, we are going to do an API call! Let’s start!
It’s time to make a request to the API with the URL that we just crafted.
There are lots of different ways to do that, but we are going to use the XMLHttpRequest method.
Let’s start by creating a new request:
Now it’s time to define our request type:
To finish, we are going to send our request:
Now, we must wait until we receive a response from the API. To do so, we need to define a function like the following:
When we receive the response, we are going to check if it’s valid using its response code:
After that, let’s save the response into a new variable called results:
The response is now in text format. To convert it into a JSON object, we are going to use the JSON.parse() function:
For now, we are going to see the results by printing them on the console:
Well, let’s try it! Enter some text on the input field, press ENTER, and open the console to see the results!
To open the browser’s console, press F12 on Chrome & Safari or CTRL + SHIFT + K in Firefox
You are going to see something like that:

Fantastic! If you’ve done correctly all the steps that we have seen, you’ll get a response like the one that we received.
In the next part of our article, we are going to analyze the JSON response, and we are going to extract the information that we want to show on our webpage.
Analyzing JSON objects isn’t complicated. Here you can see an example that I’ve taken from W3Schools:
As you can see, if we provide the element name, we can get its value.
Now let’s see how our response looks like:
There’s a lot of information here! Well, we are only going to use the first three books on the list. You can understand what I mean by looking at the following image:

Also, from each element, we only are going to use the title and the author of the book.

Let’s start saving them into variables! First, we are going to create the variables that we need to save the title and the author of the first three books on the list.
You could also do that by creating a loop and using the eval() function, or creating a JavaScript object, but we are going to make it as easier as possible
Now it’s time to define these variables!
We are going to start with the author of the first book on the list.
To get the author of the first book, we must get the first book on the list.
As you possibly know, the JavaScript lists start from zero, so the first book of the list will be the following:
If you try to show the first book on the browser’s console, you will see something like this:
To print it on the console, replace the console.log(results) with the statement we just saw: console.log(results.items[0])

Now, we have all the information about the first book on the list. But, where are the title and the author?
If you take a closer look, you will see that they are inside another object called volumeInfo. Let’s print it on the console!
To do that, we are going to change the console.log(), specifying the object we want to show:
The result is going to be something like the following image:

Now we are going to save the title and the authors of the first book:
Did you guess how to get the information from the other books?
Hurray! We have now all the information that we need into variables!
Let’s see if we have done it well by printing them on the console:
If you’ve done it all correctly, you are going to see something like the following:

Now, the last step is to show this information on our webpage.
Let’s do that!
To set the information in our HTML code, we are going to use the ID’s from the HTML components.
As you can see, we already set some ID’s for the labels that we want to replace with the information that we found:
Let’s use document.getElementById to set the variable information in HTML paragraphs:
Let’s make that with all the information that we collected!
And we are done!
Let’s try it and see the final result!

We finished our project! Congratulations!
We have seen how to make an API call and show it’s response on an HTML website.
Well, there are a lot of things that, if you want, you can do:
- Make the BUY NOW button work
HINT: The API response contains a link to the buying page
- Make the cards disappear until they have the information
HINT: You can modify all the cards at once in the CSS file. CSS properties can also be changed with JavaScript using = value
- You could also create a skeleton loader that appears while we get the information
HINT: Here you can see how to make a basic skeleton loader:
- To finish, you could also replace the book icon with its cover image
HINT: The API response contains an URL to the cover image in different sizes
That's all for now!
Thank you very much for reading this article.
I hope you had fun coding and learning new things.
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See you soon in a new article,